Rhino horn stockpile stolen from NWest PB - DA

SAPS allegedly took 8 hours to arrive at the scene, delaying any immediate stop and search operations

DA seeks answers after rhino horn stockpile robbed

27 June 2023

The DA has learned with dismay of the alleged theft of over 50 rhino horn from the North West Parks Board main vault at Mafikeng Head office. It is alleged that the robbers managed to evade all the security in place and easily located vault keys which they used to enter the vault. They then allegedly stole 51 horns. After being called, SAPS allegedly took 8 hours to arrive at the scene, delaying any immediate stop and search operations.

It has been repeatedly stated that there is no pilfering of rhino horn stockpiles and this development has shown that this is certainly no longer the case. The DA understands that the Hawks are investigating the matter.

According to the information received by the DA, the perpetrators gained access to the North West Parks Board offices where allegedly alarms were disabled, and security cameras in the passage were removed, allowing the thieves to execute their criminal activities unhindered. Shockingly, it took nearly eight hours for the South African Police Service (SAPS) to arrive at the scene, providing the criminals with ample time to escape.

It is hard to believe that this operation could have been conducted without sophisticated knowledge and involvement of insiders. The DA has been calling for the urgent and immediate implementation of polygraph testing for parks staff and this is a prime example of a case where this is warranted.

It is now essential that all efforts are made to intercept the stolen horn before it leaves SA shores and catch those responsible.

Of the 51 rhino horns stolen, 14 were large specimens, while the remaining horns were obtained from dehorning operations. This incident not only represents a significant loss of these magnificent creatures but also highlights the dire need for enhanced security measures to protect our rhino stockpiles.

We strongly urge Minister Barbara Creecy to take immediate action to address this security breach and ensure the safety of our valuable rhino horn stockpiles. We call upon the Minister to provide transparency on the incident, including a comprehensive account of the steps being taken to recover the stolen horns and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Furthermore, we request that Minister Creecy present a detailed plan outlining enhanced security measures for safeguarding rhino stockpiles across the country. It is crucial to implement robust security protocols, including advanced alarm systems, increased personnel, and stringent monitoring measures.

Rhinos are iconic and endangered species that play a vital role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystems. The loss of 51 rhino horns represents a devastating blow to conservation efforts and wildlife preservation as a whole. We must act swiftly and decisively to prevent such incidents from happening in the future and secure the future of these magnificent creatures.

Issued by Dave Bryant and Hannah Shameema Winkler, 27 June 2023