Call for audit of all provincial DoH tenders – DA KZN

Rishigen Viranna says AG only uncovered the tip of the corruption iceberg

DA calls for audit of all KZN DoH tenders as AG uncovers ‘tip of corruption iceberg’

19 July 2022

The DA in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) has called for a full forensic audit of all provincial Department of Health (DoH) tenders. This after the Auditor-General (AG) again raised numerous queries around the Department’s finances.

The AG only audits a sample of tenders. That so many irregularities were found, is a strong indication that this is just the tip of the corruption iceberg within this Department and that a comprehensive forensic audit is urgently required.

Amongst the AG’s concerns are travel claims by 25 employees, including HOD, Dr Sandile Tshabalala, without supporting evidence.

Other findings include;
- DoH tenders worth millions of Rands being issued without establishing whether there were sufficient funds to pay suppliers
- Failure to pay suppliers within the stipulated 30-day period, with 60 tenders worth R401 million not paid for on time
- Potential over-expenditure totalling R3 billion and;
- Medico-legal claims as high as R2.2 billion.

When MEC Nomagugu Simelane was first appointed to her role, she pledged to fight corruption within the Department. Yet, the AG’s report has highlighted, amongst others, irregular tender procedures along with an increase of some R2 billion under irregular expenditure. This is particularly damning given the MEC’s promise and her own legal background.

There can be no denying that the MEC has failed in her judiciary duty to conduct proper oversight of her Department’s finances. In doing so, she has failed the people of KZN. And while she endlessly laments the lack of funds within her Department, she is not even able to manage the current limited budget.

The DA has previously highlighted the issues that exist within the Department’s Supply Chain Management (SCM) – along with the fact that numerous officials are currently suspended.

The situation is so bad that Treasury has also been forced to get involved in an effort to get the Department’s finances back on track. The level of assistance has unfortunately not been sufficient to do so.

The AG is expected to table her findings next month after getting answers from the Department. The DA will continue to monitor this matter. We do so on behalf of KZN’s people who deserve a healthcare system that works for them.

Issued by Rishigen Viranna, DA KZN Spokesperson on Health, 19 July 2022