Call for full probe into ANC conduct during school oversights – DA KZN

Party says MPL used platform for alleged campaigning

DA calls for full probe into ANC MPL’s inappropriate conduct during KZN school oversights

9 February 2023

The DA in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) has called on Legislature Speaker, Nontembeko Boyce to investigate an incident that took place during recent school functionality oversights, which saw ANC MPL, Hlengiwe Mavimbela use the platform for alleged ANC campaigning. (view here)

The incident took place at Thibane Combined School in the Harry Gwala District after Mavimbela was granted an opportunity to address learners, staff, Education department officials, MPL's and some Legislature staff. (view here)

She then told all present that ‘many receive pensions/ grants and that it is important for you to vote because you don't know which government will come in next year and whether you will still receive your grants, and if there will be a budget for your toilets if a new government comes in.'

While Mavimbela confirmed her words to me during a discussion following the visit, she remained insistent that her actions were not incorrect. Her inappropriate remarks can and should, however, be confirmed by anyone present.

The DA regards Mavimbela’s comments as nothing less than a campaign speech laced with the subliminal threat that those learners of voting age - and others present - should only vote for the current governing party.

While voter education is a mandate of the Legislature – and forms part of the ongoing programme during the year – the DA regards her conduct as nothing less than abhorrent given the abundance of party political messaging interwoven with inaccuracies, deception and fear-mongering.

It is appalling and highly irresponsible that she should use the Legislature programme for such purposes, particularly when there are such impressionable young people involved. The rules that guide official Legislature work prohibit this.

If she wants to mislead citizens and provide misinformation, this is not the time or place to do it. In doing so, Mavimbela has resorted to typical ANC-style voter bullying tactics.

The DA expects the Speaker to acknowledge the gravitas of this incident and conduct a full investigation into whether Mavimbela has used the Legislature platform to further the ends of her political party. She must be held accountable through due process and the rules of the institution.

Issued by Imran Keeka, DA KZN Spokesperson on Education, 9 February 2023