Call for speedy conclusion to Transnet negotiations – DA WCape

Provincial govt will support SOE in putting into action its business continuity plan

Transnet strike: DA WC calls for speedy conclusion to negotiations

13 October 2022

The DA in the Western Cape calls for a speedy conclusion to the Transnet wage negotiations which has not only resulted in continued strike action but also the deceleration of a force majeure.

Services at the Port of Cape Town are limited due to the strike and Transnet has confirmed that the industrial action is estimated to cost the economy R1 billion every day.

For months, the port was faced with continuous backlogs and challenges and now as efficiency has finally returned, the ongoing strike threatens to eradicate the progress that has been made in this regard.

MPP Ricardo Mackenzie says, “In my capacity as Chairperson of the Western Cape Standing Committee on Transport, I will continue to engage with Transnet on a provincial level where it concerns oversight of the operations of the Port of Cape Town.

In the Western Cape, we recognise the critical role Transnet’s port infrastructure plays in the running of an efficient and functioning economy. In recognition of this, the Western Cape Provincial Government has made the welcomed announcement that it would support Transnet in putting into action its business continuity plan, which will ensure economic growth.

We urge Transnet to look at its business continuity plan and ask them to keep all stakeholders informed. Communication with all their clients is critical during this period.

Ultimately, the only way to ensure the proper functioning of our ports and port infrastructure is to break the ANC National Government’s monopoly of these services and devolve them to capable and competent sub-national governments.

As long as the National Government has a tight grip on Transnet and its infrastructure and services, our economy and industries will continue to be vulnerable to the whims of trade unions, poor management and an overbearing and corrupt national government. “

Issued by Ricardo Mackenzie, DA Western Cape Spokesperson on Transport, 13 October 2022