Call for thorough investigation into Boksburg explosion – COSATU Gauteng

Incident highlights dire conditions in which informal miners find themselves, risking their lives daily to make a living

COSATU Gauteng calls for a thorough investigation into the Boksburg gas explosion

7 July 2023

The Congress of South African Trade Unions(COSATU) in Gauteng is deeply saddened by the tragic incident that occurred at the Angelo informal settlement in Boksburg, resulting in the loss of sixteen lives. Our heartfelt condolences go out to the families and loved ones of the victims during this difficult time.

The incident highlights the dire conditions in which many informal miners find themselves, risking their lives daily to make a living. It is concerning that illegal mining activities persist despite the risks involved, not only endangering the lives of those directly involved but also impacting the surrounding communities.

COSATU Gauteng calls for a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding this incident. We urge relevant authorities, including the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy and law enforcement agencies, to collaborate in uncovering the root causes of this tragedy and to take appropriate action to prevent similar incidents in the future. The people behind illegal mining within and outside the country should be brought to book.

In addition, we emphasize the need for improved safety measures and increased regulation within the mining sector. The lives and well-being of workers must be safeguarded, and steps should be taken to ensure that illegal mining activities are eradicated.

We further urge the relevant authorities to provide support and assistance to the families of the victims and to those injured in the incident. Adequate medical care, counselling and compensation must be provided to address their immediate needs and mitigate the long-term impact of this tragic event.

We call upon the government, labour unions and civil society organizations, to join forces in preventing future incidents and ensuring the safety and well-being of the people across all sectors.

We mourn the loss of lives and stand in solidarity with the affected families and communities during this period of mourning and healing. AMANDLA!!!

Issued by Louisa Modikwe, Provincial Secretary, COSATU Gauteng, 7 July 2023