Cape Town ranked first in latest Good Governance Africa index - GHL

Mayor says City was the only metro to score a minimum of four out of five for every measure

Cape Town ranked first in latest Good Governance Africa index

18 March 2024   

The report notes that ‘Cape Town, the highest ranked metro, scores well across the GPI categories’, ranking first for service delivery, the most weighted category in the index.

The metro also ranked first for Economic Development, which the index measures using recent census and StatsSA data. Cape Town continues to maintain SA’s lowest broad unemployment rate, adding 363 000 new jobs since the start of the current local government term of office in November 2021, according to the Quarterly Labour Force Survey for Q4 2023.

‘Good governance is the foundation of a job-creating economy and better service delivery, especially for the most vulnerable. We are encouraged by Cape Town again ranking top in this latest index, which is a sign of progress in our mission to build a city of hope by helping more people out of poverty and into employment,’ said Mayor Hill-Lewis.

The five categories measured in the Governance Performance Index are:

- Administration and Governance

- Economic Development

- Leadership and Management

- Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

- Service Delivery (weighted most)

Cape Town’s top ranking in the GPI index is aligned to the findings of similar reports, including:

- Cape Town is SA’s most sustainable city according to the Municipal Financial Sustainability Index for 22/23, and the top ranked city in the Knights Sustainable Cities Index 2023

- Ratings Afrika found Cape Town to be SA’s best municipality for financial sustainability in 2023

- The City has received a clean audit from the Auditor General for 2022/23

- Rating agencies such as Moody’s have conferred a strong credit rating on Cape Town, with a stable outlook, even amid a largely negative outlook elsewhere in the country.

The full Good Governance Africa report is available here: https://bit.ly/3IFmJgr 

Issued by Media Office, City of Cape Town, 18 March 2024