Ian Cameron: Bheki Cele breached code of conduct – Committee

This relates to SAPS Imbizo where minister became irate and shouted at anti-crime activist

Ethics Committee finds Hon Cele breached code of conduct on Cameron complaint

2 October 2023

The Joint Committee on Ethics and Members’ Interests has found that Hon Bheki Cele MP, the Minister of Police, breached item read with 4.1.5 of the Code of Ethical Conduct and Disclosure of Members’ Interests for National Assembly and Permanent National Council of Provinces Members and will recommend to the National Assembly that the Member enter an apology in the House for his conduct toward Mr Cameron during a SAPS imbizo.

The complaint relates to a SAPS Imbizo held on 5 July 2022, where the Member is alleged to have become irate and shouted at the complainant to “shut up”. The complainant alleged that the Member did not behave in the calm and dignified manner required by the high office he holds.

Further, the complainant alleged that the Member wagged his finger at him, while saying in a threatening tone, “Don’t provoke me.” The Member yelled at him to “shut up”, then told him to ”sit down and listen” or “get out”. The complainant stated that he was removed from the venue by police officials who are not known to him. His clothing was damaged in the process. He states that his fundamental rights were infringed, such as his right to freedom and security of person, and unlawful deprivation of liberty. The complainant stated that he did nothing to warrant being assaulted and forcibly removed and restrained.

Following deliberations, the committee noted that the Member in his written representation did not specifically address the incident, i.e., that he is alleged to have shouted, “shut up” at the complainant. However, the video footage taken on the day, which was played in the committee, shows that the Member was irate and that he did shout at the complainant.

The committee found that even if the Member was unhappy with the manner in which the complainant addressed the issue at the imbizo, the Member, as a Member of Parliament, was required to act in a manner that would maintain public confidence and trust in the integrity of Parliament and thereby engender the respect and confidence that society needs to have in Parliament as a representative institution.

As a result, the committee found that the that the Member breached item read with 4.1.5 of the Code.

Issued by Malatswa Molepo, Media Officer, Parliamentary Communication Services, 2 October 2023