City has budgeted for another three years of above-inflation rate tariff increases
4 April 2018
At a presentation of the City Council’s draft budget it became clear that we will all be giving the City of Cape Town a lot more money in future, says the Cape Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Projections of budget and tariff increases up to 2021 all feature increases above the expected inflation rate. Only the increase in refuse tariffs for 2018/19 matches the predicted inflation rate of 5.7%. This comes after decade of increases above the CPI.
The biggest increases are for water and if any consumer uses more than 10.5 cubic metres (10.5 kilolitres) he will pay R127.13 per cubic metre.
Commercial and industrial water users will pay a basic rate of R45,75 a cubic metre but they will have the option of buying recycled water for as little as R5.90 per cubic metre. Before the drought, Commerce bought water for just under R19 a cubic metre.