Joburg captured by Gayton McKenzie and IFP – EFF

Fighters say delinquent mayor has surrendered city and turned it into a gangster’s paradise

EFF Joburg notes the capture of the City by a criminal syndicate led by Gayton McKenzie

11 June 2020

EFF in Johannesburg is sad to announce that the compromised and delinquent Mayor of Johannesburg has surrendered the City to a criminal syndicate led by the IFP and Gayton McKenzie (a convicted criminal).

Over the last six months since coming to power, the City has been turned into a gangster’sparadise characterised by political puppetering of the Mayor by convicted criminals, threats, blackmailing, purging and blatant looting. The criminal syndicate which has captured the City through the Mayor has been leading a flagrant campaign of transgressing all governance protocols more especially related to Supply Chain and Labour Law.

Pursuant to their criminal agenda, the IFP and the PA have been blackmailing the compromised ANC Mayor into purging all senior managers who are perceived to be fighting rampant looting. So far the Gayton McKenzie criminal syndicate has suspended or fired the CEO of Joburg Market, CEO of City Power , CEO of JPC, Acting CEO of MTC and the Chief of Police.

These senior managers refused to take illigal instructions relating to procurement processes and opposed pressure to disengage from investigating criminal activities in their respective municipal entities.

The extent of Gayton McKenzie's capture of the ANC administration is demonstrated by the appointment of his Deputy President in the PA to be CEO of the Joburg Market.

EFF calls on all councillors of the City to rise above party political allegiances and move swiftly to isolate the criminal band of the IFP, Gayton McKenzie and the Mayor before it is too late!

The ANC must especially sober up to the reality that Geoff Makhubo is an unrepentant swindler who has now entered the most treacherous terrain of being handled by hardened criminals who command prison gangs.

Issued by Musa Novela, Johannesburg Regional Chairperson, Economic Freedom Fighters, 11 June 2020