City of Johannesburg on yet another attempt to Destabilize SAMWU
15 February 2019
The South African Municipal Workers’ Union (SAMWU) has noted that the City of Johannesburg is on yet another attempt to destabilise the union. The City of Johannesburg has since the 2016 Local Government elections tried on numerous occasions to silence and divide the union.
The City of Johannesburg has lost so many cases against SAMWU in the courts of law from the Labour Court right up to the Constitutional Court yet they still continue with their attempts to destabilise the union. Their aim is to agitate union membership against the union’s members with the sole intention crippling the union.
On the 14th February 2019, City Power officials arrived at the union’s Head Offices in Johannesburg with the aim of disconnecting electricity to the building. These officials were called into an office wherein they were shown the invoice sent by the City and the last proof of payment. They however insisted that they were instructed by their superiors that they should disconnect the union’s power by all means. The officials then proceeded to illegally disconnect electricity supply as per the instruction of their seniors.
Today the City lied to Johannesburg residents through a statement wherein they claim that the union owes the City R1.2 million for electricity, water, sewer, rates and refuse. First and foremost, this is the first time that we see the City releasing a statement on details of a client including how much the client owes and that the client has been disconnected due to non-payment.