Close Glaxo Smith Kline following 40 infections – SACP WCape

Party appalled by recklessness of company, who continued operating as if nothing happened

SACP Western Cape statement on the call for the closure of Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) following about 40 workers testing positive for Coronavirus

19 April 2020

The South African Communist Party (SACP) in the Western Cape has learnt that several employees who work for Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) pharmaceutical company based in Epping, Cape Town, have tested positive for Coronavirus.  Accordingly, the first person to test positive was on 7 April 2020.  It is said, upon the discovery of the first person, the management has been threatening workers to remain silent about the whole issue and each employee must treat their results private and confidential.

The Party is appalled by the recklessness of GSK who despite the confirmed positive cases is operating as if nothing has happened.

Furthermore, we are aware that the company is not providing any support to the infected workers, but instead subjected the workers to threats of retrenchment.

Therefore, the SACP condemns the management of GSK for doing everything possible to neglect the safety of the workers and the broader community of the Western Cape to maximise profit. It is for this reason the government should speedily intervene and provide professional counseling to all the infected and affected workers and their families.

Lastly, the SACP calls on the Department of Health in the province to embark on an aggressive tracing of all the contacts with the workers and provide those with symptoms with the necessary support. We call upon the department of labour to investigate the threats directed to workers and equally to institute a full-scale investigation on the conduct of the company.

Issued by Benson Ngqentsu, SACP Provincial Secretary, Western Cape, 19 April 2020