17 October 2018
The Competition Commission (“Commission”) has recommended to the Competition Tribunal (“Tribunal”) that the large merger whereby Sibanye Gold Limited t/a Sibanye-Stillwater (“Sibanye”) intends to acquire sole control of Lonmin Plc (“Lonmin”) be approved subject to conditions.
Among other minerals, Sibanye holds reserves and assets used to produce concentrate containing certain Platinum Group Metals (“PGMs”). Lonmin also owns various PGM mines/shafts and PGM reserves, various PGM exploration projects, tailings dams, concentrators, a smelting complex and PGM refining facilities, the majority of which are located in South Africa.
The proposed transaction presents both a horizontal and vertical overlap. In relation to the horizontal overlap, both Sibanye and Lonmin mine and produce PGM concentrate which is further refined at refineries by companies such as Anglo American, Implants and Lonmin. PGMs are ultimately sold in international markets. The Commission found that the merged entity is unlikely to exert market power in any of the PGM markets affected by the merger as both merging parties have relatively low market shares in these international markets.
In relation to the vertical overlaps wherein Lonmin currently refines PGM concentrate for other PGM producers, the Commission found that no foreclosure concerns arise since the merged entity is unlikely to have incentives to foreclose other upstream PGM concentrate producers. In light of the above, the Commission found that the proposed transaction is unlikely to substantially prevent or lessen competition in the abovementioned markets.