"Cop by day... Zombie by night!" - Daily Sun

"Sad Ndumiso prays for sangoma's evil curse to leave him!" - front page lead, November 21 2014

Daily Sun (November 21 2014) - DURING the day Ndumiso is a hard-working traffic cop. But Ndumiso is terrified of the dark . . .


Ndumiso Malinga (43), from Duduza, Ekurhuleni told Daily Sun he regrets taking a bribe because it has taken over his life.

"A sangoma gave me R50 and said I must buy myself a cold drink," he said. "For the past two years I have not slept properly because I hear the voice of the sangoma calling me."

He said the voice gives him evil instructions, even instructing him to kill people. "I have resisted the instructions. I am not a killer, but I am scared that one day I will do what the voice tells me," he said.

He said shortly after the sangoma gave him money, his right side was suddenly paralysed and he started hearing the voice.

"I don't know how I got there but I found myself at his house.

"He gave me muthi to drink and burnt other muthi," said Ndumiso.

"The sangoma's voice started giving me instructions about what to do and who to harm."

Ndumiso said after midnight, his house got really hot and he started to sweat. He said the sangoma instructed him to take off his clothes while he was running.

"He wanted me to hurt and kill people, even people that I know," said Ndumiso.

"The voice directed me to a house and told me to kill everyone that I found there.

"I have found myself at the front doors of people I was sent to kill but I have always turned away."

He said that one time he found himself outside his colleague's house and that is when he realised that he was naked and what he was about to do.

He said the sangoma kept on feeding him more muthi and told him he was being trained to be umkhovu.

"I ended up giving that sangoma my savings of R100 000," he said.

"I have also spent a lot of money trying to get my life and freedom back."

Ndumiso said his family moved him back to KZN and tried to find help for him but he still heard the voices.

He said that he goes to prayer meetings every night because he finds a little bit of peace when he is around worshippers.

"I sprinkle isiwasho around the house.

"And I have even had to go back home and have a ceremony to plead with my ancestors to free me from this hell," said Ndumiso.

Daily Sun sangoma Makhosi Dumezweni said Ndumiso had been turned into a zombie.

"Ndumiso is a mndawe, meaning he is meant to thwasa under water and therefore he needs to be cleansed by the river," he said.

"The R50 that he took was worked with muthi and that is why all these things are happening," he said.

See the Daily Sun mobi site for more on this and other stories....


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