COPE gaining strength in KZN - Bheki Khusi

Provincial secretary disappointed that party being ignored by the press

The Congress of the People is gathering strength in its campaigns and enjoying a growing support among disappointed voters, despite the fact that the party is being ignored by the press.  Bheki Khusi, COPE provincial secretary, says that in townships and rural areas the lack of press coverage has not been hurting the party's growth.

"There was an SABC election debate three weeks ago at the Durban city hall, to feature the mayoral candidates.  COPE was not invited or informed.  When the party arrived at the venue, we were told that there was no space available to seat our mayoral candidate.  However, the SABC then suddenly managed to find a seat for the delegate from COSATU, who arrived late.  Strangely, COSATU is not fielding a mayoral candidate - they are not even participating in the elections - but the SABC managed to fit them in while not having space for COPE!"

"On the 21st April, the Mercury ran the profiles on the mayoral candidates for the different parties contesting Ethekwini.  Once again, COPE was not invited or informed.  We were told it was a computer glitch and that we should submit our candidate's information.  We did so, but it was not used.  We were then told that the newspaper was only using profiles of candidates for incumbent parties!  What kind of free media is that?"

"Last Friday, there was another SABC election debate and once again COPE was not invited or informed.  On enquiry, we were told that the SABC does not want us there.  We called for a meeting with the SABC, and were told that the SABC has never received a complaint.  This is nonsense - why should be only be included after we have lodged official complaints?  COPE is the third-largest party in the country, it is contested the third-largest number of wards - why is it being deliberately excluded from press coverage?"

"We don't like to think that the press can be so easily manipulated by the ruling party to the extent that it will ignore an opposition party, but what other explanation do we have?  We don't accept the tired old story about computer glitches and organisational hiccups.  They could perhaps happen once, but not all the time."

Khusi, however, is upbeat about the growing support for COPE.

"Because of the recent problems in COPE, and the difficulty we have had in purging the corrupt elements from the party, we have entered into this election race with both hands tied behind our backs.  Despite this, we are gratified with the support and encouragement we are receiving, both from voters and from COPE members who are reaching into their own resources to make sure that we have a presence in these elections."

Statement issued by COPE KZN provincial secretary, Bheki Khusi, May 9 2011

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