The Congress of South African Trade unions congratulates its allies, the African National Congress, on their victory in the overwhelming majority of municipalities in the local government elections on 18 May 2011.
With over 60% of the vote the ANC has proved once again that it is still the party of the people, particularly the workers and the poor.
We wish all the newly elected councillors success as they begin to tackle the formidable challenges that lie ahead.
The federation thanks all its members who worked tirelessly to help the ANC on the road to victory. Their work has strengthened the alliance at grass-roots level and proved the value of unity in action in the struggle for the liberation of our people from poverty, unemployment and inequality. Together we have defeated the parties of the rich who would like to take us back to the days of apartheid.
It was not an easy election for the ANC. Many of our poorest communities suffer from very real problems of slum housing, lack of basic services and infrastructure and were understandably angry at the slow pace at which many municipal councils were responding to their complaints.
Opposition parties and ‘independents' tried desperately to exploit this anger, but could offer no real alternative and were overwhelmingly rejected by most voters. It is a measure of the standing of the ANC that even in these poorest of the poor communities, the majority stayed loyal to their ANC.