COSATU Gauteng welcomes SIU's arrests in Ekurhuleni

Federation says shop stewards dismissed for blowing whistle have been vindicated

COSATU Gauteng press statement on the arrest of Ekurhuleni senior managers and business people by SIU

COSATU in Gauteng welcomes the arrest of senior managers and some business people by the Special Investigation Unit, as reported on Friday 15 July 2011.

The arrest confirms the fact that some of our business people are highly involved in corrupting our government and the state. We have always said that business, and in particular the system of capitalism, breeds corruption.

The arrest further vindicates our shop stewards who were dismissed by the municipality for being whistle blowers. We are still expecting more arrests, as some of the culprits are still roaming the streets and holding key positions in municipalities and in various departments of the state and our organisations. We hope that, as investigations proceed, such rotten elements will be exposed.

We also hope that the Mayor and the Ekurhuleni municipality will do the right thing by immediately subjecting such corrupt elements to disciplinary enquiries, and hope that they will not then dismiss such people in the media, as we have observed to have been the trend in the recent past, but that they will follow the correct due process under the Labour Relation Act.

We are also appealing to those who are implicated by these allegations not to waste our time and resources and do the honourable thing and resign with immediate effect as they are an embarrassment to society. 

Statement issued by COSATU Gauteng Provincial Secretary, Dumisani Dakile, July 19 2011

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