Critical data excluded from 2022 census - EFF

Admission is that key data not of sufficient quality to be released a setback for nation's ability to effectively plan


Thursday, 22 August 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) notes, with deep concern, the recent revelations from Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) regarding the exclusion of key data from the 2022 Census.

The admission that certain essential information, such as income, earnings, labour, employment, mortality, and fertility, is not of sufficient quality to be released is a significant setback for the nation's ability to effectively plan.

The reported undercount of 31% in the 2022 Census is alarming, as it not only sets a global record for census inaccuracies but also raises serious questions about the integrity of the data collection process.

Such a high undercount undermines the accuracy of population estimates, which are crucial for government decision-making, particularly in the distribution of the National Budget and the targeting of resources to the most vulnerable communities.

The exclusion of income data is especially troubling, as it directly impacts the ability of the government to allocate resources fairly through mechanisms like the Treasury's equitable share grants to municipalities. Without accurate data, there is a real risk that the most disadvantaged South Africans will not receive the support they need.

This is not the first time Stats SA has been embroiled in controversy. We remember all too well the scandal surrounding the 2011 Census post-enumeration survey when two officials were fired for refusing to alter the undercount.

As a result, the EFF calls for greater accountability from Stats SA and other relevant authorities involved in this process. It is essential that the public can trust the data that informs national policies.

Additionally, we also urge caution against any moves towards privatising census activities, as some institutions, like the University of Cape Town, have been consistently highly critical, and have shown a disturbing interest in conducting official statistics, likely due to the lucrative budgets allocated to such surveys. Public confidence in the accuracy and integrity of such essential data must be maintained.

Furthermore, the EFF have consistently highlighted the critical needs of Stats SA, emphasising that without proper support, the institution cannot fulfil its mandate effectively. Unfortunately, our warnings have gone unheeded, and the consequences are evident in the severe mistakes and inefficiencies plaguing Stats SA today.

Over the past 30 years, Stats SA has been systematically neglected by the ruling African National Congress (ANC). The deliberate underfunding of this crucial body—evidenced by a staggering 30% reduction in its budget over the past two decades—has led to an institutional crisis. This drastic budget cut, coupled with inadequate capacity and financial support, has severely compromised the quality of its work.

The agency's vacancy rate of 19.4% is unacceptable and speaks volumes about the government's incompetence. To rectify this, we advocate for a reduction in the vacancy rate to 9% before the end of the financial year. Additionally, the Statistician General, Mr. Risenga Maluleka needs to be empowered with a clear mandate to undertake an organisational redesign, filling all critical positions in alignment with intemational standards.

It is imperative that we recognise the ongoing crisis at Stats SA and address it with the urgency it deserves. The credibility of our national statistics is at stake, and it is essential that the integrity of these processes is upheld to serve the interests of all South Africans.

Issued by the EFF, 22 August 2024