DA Gauteng urges residents to abide by water restrictions– Solly Msimanga

MP says prolonged loadshedding is severely affecting province’s water reservoirs

DA urges residents to abide by level 1 water restrictions to mitigate the effects of stage 6 loadshedding on the water supply

16 January 2023

The prolonged loadshedding, which is currently at stage 6, will severely affect Gauteng’s water reservoirs. As a result, the Democratic Alliance is urging all residents to use water sparingly to not risk running out of water.

Stage 6 loadshedding will have a knock-on effect on pumping water to reservoirs and water towers, leaving them with low water levels and eventually affecting the sewer lines. There is an imminent risk that sewage will run into our water resources and overflow on the streets because of the impact of stage 6 loadshedding.
Level 1 restrictions prohibit watering gardens between 6 am and 6 pm, hosing driveways or paved areas and washing cars with a hose pipe.

We need to not only reduce our water usage but be wise in how we use it, such as recycling the water we use to wash our cars to water our lawns and gardens.

At this stage, it is clear that Eskom and the ruling government will not have a viable solution to produce sustainable power for South Africa. Therefore, we can only save ourselves from water cuts by taking the necessary precautions.

Gauteng residents have been affected by extensive water cuts due to loadshedding for a prolonged time. We demand that the Provincial Government implement urgent interventions to mitigate the adverse effects of loadshedding on our water resources to avoid a water crisis in the future.

One intervention would be for our water reservoirs to be isolated and exempt from loadshedding. This critical step will protect Gauteng residents from having their Human Rights contravened due to water cuts or pollution from sewage spillage.

We can no longer watch the livelihood of residents and the economy be affected by both power and water cuts.

Issued by Solly Msimanga, DA Leader in Gauteng, 16 January 2023