DA Jhb leadership election ensures internal democracy – Solly Msimanga

Gauteng leader says should Phalatse choose to put her name forward, she’ll be a formidable candidate

DA Jhb leadership election ensures healthy internal democracy and adherence to party rules

11 May 2023

The DA in Gauteng notes the burgeoning interest in the forthcoming leadership election in the DA Johannesburg Caucus.

Such a leadership election is a requirement in terms of the DA’s constitutional prescripts, internal regulations of party structures, and rulings by the party’s Federal Legal Commission (FLC).

The DA is a party of free and fair and contested elections. We make no apology for this. The DA does not scrap rules or postpone elective conferences to weaken the democracy of and debate within our party.

Dr. Phalatse has led the Johannesburg Caucus with dedication and skill through immensely difficult times - both in government and opposition. She has done our party proud. Like the people of Johannesburg, we are lucky to have her as a champion for the cause of a brighter future for all.

It's now for the DA Johannesburg Caucus to decide their leadership. Should Mpho choose to put her name forward in a leadership election, I am sure she'll be a formidable candidate.

Issued by Solly Msimanga, DA Gauteng Leader, 11 May 2023