Secrecy Bill: DA to petition President Zuma-again
Last week the ad hoc committee on the Protection of State Information Bill completed its work on the bill despite not having clarity from President Jacob Zuma about the scope of the committee's work, and in the face of vehement opposition from various members of the committee.
When President Zuma sent the Secrecy Bill back to Parliament because he had Constitutional concerns about it, it was unclear whether the work of the committee would be limited to only section 42 and 45. The President's letter to Parliament created legal uncertainty in that it was vague and did not provide clarity on his reservations. I duly wrote to the President requesting clarity on the scope of his referral and I received no response from him.
DA MP, Dene Smuts, attempted to reason with ANC members and the chairperson, Cecil Burgess to persuade MPs to seek clarity from President Zuma in this regard. However, this attempt was shot down by Mr Burgess.
The President must be specific when referring Bills back, as the Constitutional Court has held.
The DA has maintained that even though much work has been done on this bill and the amendment of sections 42 and 45 was essential, there are still pertinent problems with it. These include: