DA welcomes gazetting of S34 electricity determinations
25 September 2020
The Democratic Alliance (DA) welcomes the eventual gazetting of the s34 determinations allowing the procurement of 11 813 MW of electricity and storage from independent power producers (IPPs).
More than two months have passed since the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) gave this procurement the green light, but Minister Gwede Mantashe has chosen to sit on the matter, despite the electricity crisis affecting our country.
The s34 determination will enable the procurement of 6800 MW of solar and wind generation, 3000 MW of gas generation, 1500 MW of coal generation and 513 MW of storage. It creates an implementing framework for the Integrated Resource Plan, adopted a year ago.
Sadly, the delays in getting to this point bode ill for the timeframe in which these new power plants will come online.