DA wins hotly contested by-election in Struisbaai – Tertuis Simmers

WCape PL says victory ensures that the Cape Agulhas Municipality stays in DA hands

DA wins hotly contested by-election in Struisbaai

16 February 2023

Note to Editors: Kindly find soundbite here

The DA in the Western Cape is very happy to announce that we have today won the Ward 5 by-election in Struisbaai, Cape Agulhas.

A total of five other parties, as well as an independent candidate, contested the ward, but we were undeterred and managed to retain the ward.

This victory ensures that the Cape Agulhas Municipality stays in DA hands and safeguards clean governance and proper service delivery for all residents.

The results of the Ward 5 by-election in Struisbaai are as follows:

DA – 42.00% - 1066 VOTES
FF+ – 21.24% - 539 VOTES
ANC – 21.20% - 538 VOTES
EFF – 0.79% - 20 VOTES
PA – 9.42% - 239 VOTES
GOOD – 4.85% - 123 VOTES
INDEP – 0.51% - 13 VOTES
% Poll – 64.78%

We wish to congratulate newly elected DA councillor, Dr Andries Eksteen, on his victory. Andries is a respected resident of Struisbaai, and we are confident that he will build on the successes already achieved in the ward and take it to further heights.

Issued by Tertuis Simmers, DA Provincial Leader, Western Cape, 16 February 2023