DA’s assault on Parliament admin must end - ANC

Chief whip’s office says official opposition keeps meddling in internal affairs


The Office of the ANC Chief Whip strongly condemns the increasing spate of political meddling in the internal administrative affairs of Parliament by DA leaders. On several occasions the party has directed unwarranted political attacks and unfounded accusations at the Secretary to Parliament and some of his staff on spurious grounds.

Few weeks ago, the DA chief whip issued a lengthy statement personally attacking parliamentary registrar of members’ interest, Ms Fazela Mahomed, after she refused his request to perform certain political favours which were not in line with the provisions of the ethics code.

Today the DA is again attacking the Secretary to Parliament for the vetting process currently taking place within the administrative staff of Parliament. Vetting is a normal process many institutions, particularly state institutions such as national key points, regularly implement to ensure continued sound security at those institutions. Like performance assessment, it is not a once off occurrence but something that is conducted on a continuous basis to strengthen the security of not only such institutions but also those who serve in them such as staff. Previously, Parliament was accused in the media of not vetting certain members of its staff. 

The DA's attack on this process and the administrative head of the institution without first establishing facts through appropriate channels is malicious. The DA's cheap shot at the secretary to parliament, that he is a deployed cadre parachuted into that post, is a shallow attempt at deception. The Secretary to Parliament is not only highly qualified for this post but was subjected to a comprehensive and transparent selection and interview process made up of all political parties before appointment.

The DA's continued political attacks on the administrative staff of Parliament, who are politically impartial professionals, and its undue meddling in the internal administrative affairs of the institutions, is mischievous and poisonous. It is a self-serving attempt to politically poison and polarize the administrative environment merely to advance its narrow political agenda and undermine the institution.

Such unprecedented political assault on the internal administrative affairs of the institution by the DA is utterly uncalled for, and the ANC will not allow it to continue.

Issued by Moloto Mothapo on behalf of the Office of the ANC Chief Whip, 19 October 2015