SADTU Gauteng dismisses DA vitriol
10 October 2019
The union is dismayed but not surprised by the DA's cheap politicking in its recent article depicting its obsession with SADTU. This vitriol spewed is clearly desperately intended to damage the image of the Union as always.
The article is inaccurate, misleading and lacks context. A group of Eldorado Park community members entered Eldorado Park Secondary School and chased away seven teachers who are SADTU members in November 2018.This unlawful and barbaric action was based on false and malicious allegations levelled against them. The union made several attempts to facilitate the return of the teachers to school and the efforts were frustrated by a group of community members and the School Governing Body. The DA has been at the centre of this backward action consistently fuelling racism.
The fight for the return of the teachers is in defence of the right of children to quality public education. The pickets were going to be conducted by union officials whilst teaching and learning was proceeding uninterrupted .The performance of township schools has improved immensely both qualitatively and quantitatively due to commitment and dedication of our members who work tirelessly in abhorring conditions. The matric results bear testimony to this undisputable fact.
We have suspended the protest action following recent constructive engagement with the GDE and the SGB. This demonstrates our commitment to educate our children contrary to the DA's opportunistic lies.