DASO wins historic fight against UKZN – Hlanganani Gumbi

DA organisation officially recognised as legitimate student body in three of five of University of KZN campuses

DASO wins historic fight against UKZN

2 August 2016

The Democratic Alliance Student Organisation (DASO) in KwaZulu-Natal welcomes a historic decision by the University of KwaZulu-Natal to officially recognise DASO as a legitimate student body in three of the five campuses. 

For many years DASO has been illegally blocked by SASCO and ANCYL with the help of the University management. DASO has had to spend excessive amount of time and resources to try and pursue the university to take this democratic move.

It must be noted that the move comes at a time when South Africans, including students in KwaZulu Natal are visibly eager for change in government and change in student politics. 

DASO will later this year contest the student representative council (SRC) elections at the three local campuses and at the central level. We want to offer students a true alternative and bring about change to student governance as DASO is doing in other campuses such as Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.

Issued by Hlanganani Gumbi, KZN DASO Head, 2 August 2016