YCL Appalled by FW De Klerk utterances, Calls for a Public Apology
13 May 2012
The YCLSA [uFasimba] is appalled but not suprised by statements made by the last apartheid state president, FW De Klerk, made in an interview with CNN in the past week.
Recently, De Klerk has positioned himself as an apologist for apartheid and has used his Foundation as an instrument to journey through nostalgic memories of white minority rule.
De Klerk's charade are meant to rewrite history and project apartheid as a justifiable system, and has systematically repeated statements made by its founding fathers and his political ancestors such as Hendrik Verwoerd, with the hope that we have all forgotten how millions of South Africans sacrificed their lives and some died to have this democracy.
For De Klerk to equate Bantustans with "little democracies" and to suggest that the only reason why there had to be reforms of the political system was economic illustrates that De Klerk did not in the first place deserve the Noble Peace Prize and can never be equated to Nelson Mandela (as he wants the world to believe).