"Dead wife's revenge!" - Daily Sun

"Priscilla took her husband back - from the grave" - front page lead, January 30 2015

Daily Sun (January 30 2015) - PRISCILLA'S body was still lying in the mortuary when her youngest sister, 
Didiza was already lying in bed with Freddy, the dead woman's husband.

It seemed Didiza had lost a sister but scored a man - but then the dead woman had the last laugh.


This is according to the third sister, Patricia Langa from Kanana section in Tembisa, Ekurhuleni, who is now 53. She believes Freddy's death was no accident. She said when Freddy Shivambo died on a construction site, it was Priscilla taking her husband back.

Freddy died in 2005 when the wall of an excavation collapsed, crushing him.

Patricia believes Priscilla and her beloved Freddy were happily reunited in heaven . . . and that her dead sister claimed her revenge!

Priscilla Langa died of cancer in 1995.

"But just after her death, my youngest sister took over her husband," said Patricia.

She said they were still mourning on mattresses when their youngest sibling was already in bed with Freddy.

"She would sneak away and sleep with him in the same bed Priscilla lay in as she died," said Patricia.

She said the family was shocked and disappointed when they caught her.

"But she was not shy about her actions," said Patricia.

"Later she even left her husband in Boksburg and brought all her belongings to her dead sister's house."

Patricia said she never expected she would betray her own blood sister.

"When her husband tried to take her back she told him she loved Freddy and he should forget about her," said Patricia.

The family said they tried to talk to her but she never listened to anyone.

"She moved on with life until the two had a child together."

That was in 1997. After stealing her sister's husband, she also stole her dead sister's house.

Freddy died in 2005 and the sister stayed on in the house.

But in December, when she sold the house and threw out Priscilla's children, the community became involved.

They vow no one will ever occupy the house.

On Wednesday night, residents chased away the truck carrying a buyer's belongings.

Community leader Zamile Zimumane said the house belongs to the kids.

"We will all die or be arrested for this house. We will never allow her greed to ruin the kids' lives."

Daily Sun spoke to the young woman, but she said she doesn't discuss her family matters with the media.

"I have the right to speak or not. I will not talk about my dead sister or Freddy."

She also said the matter of the house was in court and Daily Sun must go there to get information.

See the Daily Sun's new website for more on this and other stories....


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