Dear Honourable Amos Masondo,
We note that in the interviews for Public Protector on Thursday 11 August, you addressed a number of questions to Kaajal Ramjathan-Keogh, executive director of the Southern African Litigation Centre (SALC), regarding the sources of the SALC's funding.
These questions were answered excellently by Ms Ramjathan-Keogh within the scope of the Public Protector interview process before the committee. The information is also provided on the organisation's website,
In the past, political leaders have raised this issue in an attempt to discredit civil society organisations, committed to the struggle for social justice, that are critical of government and other power structures in the private sector. The fact is that civil society organisations disclose information about their funding and finances, but political parties, with rare exception, do not. The My Vote Counts campaign has been forced to go to court in recent weeks because none of the major political parties are willing to disclose the sources of their private funding (including your party, the ANC).
As an MP you represent a political party that has consistently refused to disclose its funders. This is despite the fact that political parties in South Africa play a vital role in the functioning of South Africa’s democratic processes. We therefore request that you answer the same kind of questions asked of Ms Ramjathan-Keogh: