Denel lifeline will lift the dark cloud of non-payment for employees
30 August 2019
Denel says it will use the grant towards its turnaround plan, focusing on managing its supplier base, executing projects on time and within budget. The company will also dispose of non-core assets on an "urgent basis" and establish strategic equity partnerships across various divisions of the company.
The bailout was granted after Denel struggled to pay its 3700 employees on time or to contribute to their medical aids and tax contributions.
On the one hand UASA is pleased that workers will hopefully not have to live under the dark cloud of possible non-payment any longer, but on the other hand Denel – while thanking Treasury for its trust and support of the new board – should not forget that the bailout is paid with taxpayers’ hard-earned money that should be put to use to make the company profitable again and without corruption.
Issued by Stanford Mazhindu, Spokesperson of the trade union UASA, 30 August 2019