MEC Anton Bredell presents Western Cape of Local Government Annual Report 2021/22
4 November 2022
Anton Bredell, Western Cape Minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning presented the Annual Report for the Department of Local Government (DLG) for 2021/22 in the Provincial Parliament today.
“The DLG performed exemplary during the year under review. This is evident in the fact that most of the councils in the Western Cape are stable, with critical positions, such as Municipal Managers, filled with competent staff, and basic services being delivered to residents throughout the Province,” Bredell said.
Bredell said the DLG was instrumental in making government accessible to citizens with its Thusong Centres. “1.3 million people accessed government through Thusong Centres throughout the province during the past year. Given our large rural areas, this service has proven to be invaluable in our efforts to bring government closer to the people.”
Progress was also made with the Joint District and Metro Approach (JDMA) initiative, which provides a framework for different spheres of government to plan and work together in a collaborative manner. Projects successfully developed include: