ActionSA launches consultative dialogue with Gauteng residents on future of coalitions

Unstable coalitions which are constantly on the brink of collapse cannot effectively deliver services, says Michael Beaumont

ActionSA launches consultative dialogue with Gauteng residents on the future of coalitions

10 October 2022

ActionSA has launched a consultative dialogue with residents across Gauteng Province to inform the Party’s approach to coalition governments moving forward.

The move follows a decision by ActionSA’s Senate last week to review our approach to all coalition governments in the Province. During the meeting, Senate emphasised that the Party would take a more pragmatic approach to coalitions.

Therefore, ActionSA is calling on residents to tell us, either through an online form (which can be found here:  or through direct engagement with party officials, the position it should take in coalition governments to ensure government stability and better service delivery for all citizens.

ActionSA is cognizant of the distress coalition instability has caused South Africans, and therefore wants to ensure that the approach the party takes in the future is informed by the views of those that coalitions are meant to serve.

The Senate’s decision last week followed the recent breakdown in the multi-party government in Johannesburg and growing concerns for the stability of the coalitions in Gauteng.

ActionSA’s Senate believes that a need exists for coalitions to operate from a stable foundation that enables service delivery and sufficient continuity to reverse decades of a failed government.

Unstable coalitions, that are constantly on the brink of collapse cannot effectively deliver services, which results in the most vulnerable being neglected.

It is also important that in the lead-up to the 2024 national elections, South Africans experience the difference coalitions can make in improving lives, thereby instilling trust in their ability to govern South Africa.

Issued by Michael Beaumont, National Chairperson, ActionSA, 10 October 2022