Disciplinary action against Agriculture Chief Director welcomed – DA Gauteng

Party will keep a close eye on dept's eports for 2023/2024 financial year to ensure that all HR procedures are followed

Disciplinary action taken against Gauteng Agriculture Chief Director is a step in the right direction

5 July 2023

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Gauteng welcomes the disciplinary action that has been taken against the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Chief Director for the irregular appointment of 28 intern graduates.

Earlier this year, the DA raised concerns about the irregular appointment of interns by the department. The graduates were initially appointed for two months; however, the project will last 24 months.

R426 400,00 has been spent irregularly on stipends for the two months the graduates were appointed. R5 013 144,00 has been budgeted for the 24 months the graduates will be employed.

This information was revealed in a written reply to our questions tabled in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL) regarding the irregular appointment of the 28 graduates.

In addition, measures have been put in place to ensure that irregular appointments do not happen again within this department.

According to MEC Mbali Hlophe, the Human Resources (HR) department has been given a checklist that ensures that submissions for appointments go through the senior managers within HR and are in line with HR delegations.

The DA will keep a close eye on this department's quarterly reports for the 2023/2024 financial year to ensure that all HR procedures are followed.

Our residents deserve a government that will ensure equal employment opportunities for all while following proper recruitment procedures.

Issued by Bronwynn Engelbrecht, DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Agriculture and Rural Development, 5 July 2023