Dismissal of strikers at Gold One welcomed – Solidarity

Union however seeks answers on mine’s plans to prevent a possible third sit-in strike or similar violent action

Solidarity welcomes dismissal of villains at Gold One, but seeks guarantees

5 January 2024

Solidarity welcomes the dismissal of at least 92 strikers at the Gold One gold mine whose horrific behaviour towards co-workers was exposed by the media early last month.

Some of the actual perpetrators had to be turned away again when operations resumed at this mine near Springs earlier this week.

According to Solidarity's information, victims of the December sit-in strike noticed that some of the dismissed workers were underground again when the first shifts resumed for January.

Apparently, these perpetrators were arrested when they came above ground and shifts resumed, although not under police protection. 

In light of this, Solidarity demands answers from the Gold One Mine’s management about what their plans are to prevent a possible third sit-in strike at the mine or any similar violent action.

Workers there had to report for duty again from 3 January after completion of an internal disciplinary process that followed the violent underground strike that had lasted from 7 to 11 December 2023.

This strike followed a similar one in October 2023.

During the five days underground in December, several workers who were not involved in the strikers’ demands were seriously assaulted, threatened with being killed and also humiliated.

Some workers were forced to strip naked and were then beaten with pickaxe handles and wooden planks.

White workers were also eventually singled out for assault.

Last week, Gold One indicated that 92 of the 250 workers who were subjected to a disciplinary hearing were indeed dismissed because of these repulsive actions.

According to adv. Paul Mardon, deputy general secretary of strategy and sustainability at Solidarity, it is gratifying that action has been taken against the perpetrators. He said an additional investigation by the South African Police Service will hopefully also lead to further criminal action being taken against the perpetrators.

“We are grateful that action was indeed taken to make the guilty parties pay for their criminal behaviour. However, as this was the second sit-in strike in less than 50 days at the same mine, warning lights unfortunately are still flashing.

“Traumatised workers were expected to return to work this week. What is the action plan that should provide protection for these workers – including our own members? Gold One has not yet answered why they could not foresee or avoid the second strike. How can we trust that a third one is not also imminent?” Mardon asked.

According to him, the employer would indeed violate legislation on workplace safety if such a situation should be repeated.

“We want Gold One to provide guarantees about workers’ safety. If they do not fulfil their obligation to take steps to prevent a repetition of the situation, Gold One will have to pay the piper if another strike takes place that results in any injuries or even loss of life.

“That is why we want to know what Gold One’s action plan is to prevent a third sit-in strike. Do they consider it to be a priority? To merely say you are committed to a safe work environment is not enough. An internal disciplinary process is also not enough to address criminal behaviour such as this,” Mardon said.

Meanwhile, Solidarity has advised its own members not to enter the workplace until their safety is guaranteed, or if they should feel their lives are threatened in any way.

Issued by Paul Mardon, Deputy General Secretary: Strategy and Sustainability, 5 January 2024