Government fails retrenched workers
25 August 2014
In a reply to a DA parliamentary question the Minister of Labour, Mildred Oliphant, has revealed that only R20.056 million of the R1.2 billion budgeted for the Training and Layoff Scheme, or 1.7%, has been made available towards capacitating employees facing unemployment.
I will write to the Minister of Finance, Nhlanhla Nene and Minister Oliphant, demanding they present a plan to parliament to improve the Training and Layoff Scheme. I will also submit a series of parliamentary questions to obtain an explanation for why such a small proportion was used towards job creation.
Indeed, the Training and Layoff scheme is designed to incentivise employers to up-skill workers during an economic downturn, rather than retrench them. The scheme offers training layoff as a means to re-skill workers to retain employment levels.
But this hasn't been happening. For example, 8 companies in East London almost had to fire all their staff when Mercedes Benz shut down temporarily for retooling. The companies were unable to access training lay off funds due to the excessive bureaucratic processes. A crisis intervention by the CCMA and others had to be rushed through to get the funding approved before the East London Economy shut down.