Education crisis worsens due to deficit in budget – Solidarity

Movement says there is already a shortage of teachers and an alarming number of learners struggle with basic skills

Education crisis worsens due to deficit in budget – Solidarity

30 August 2024

Solidarity has expressed its concern over the planned abolition of more than 2 400 teaching jobs in the Western Cape, attributing it to the negligence and poor management of the Department of Basic Education. 

According to the Solidarity Teachers’ Network, this decision worsens the situation of the education system, which is already under pressure. “There is already a shortage of teachers and an alarming number of learners struggle with basic skills,” said Johan Botha, Deputy General Secretary of the professional sectors at Solidarity. 

The Western Cape Education Department has indicated that the province faces a budget deficit of approximately R3,8 billion. To alleviate this financial pressure, the department is considering cutting numerous teaching positions as an emergency measure. 

The Solidarity Teachers’ Network strongly opposes this decision and says the education sector should not suffer because of the department’s shortcomings. Further job cuts will seriously damage this sector which is already under pressure. 

“To lay off teachers at a time when the country is experiencing a serious shortage of teachers is irresponsible and short-sighted,” said Botha. 

The Solidarity Teachers’ Network protects hardworking teachers and the education sector against the government’s incompetence. There are currently teaching positions available on Solidarity online job facilitating platform, where more than 2 000 employers are registered and 5 700 positions are already advertised. 

The Solidarity Teachers’ Network insists that the Department of Education must take further steps to prevent a potential disaster in the education system. 

Issued by Johan Botha, Spokesperson, Solidarity, 30 August 2024