EFF not serious about representing its voters – DA KZN

Fighters withdrew their fist motion in legislature 24 hours before it was due to be debated

EFF not serious about representing its voters

19 October 2022

With only 24 hours to go before the EFF's first Motion in the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature, its leadership have requested that the Speaker remove the item from the Order Paper due to a provincial party event this weekend.

The Motion, scheduled for tomorrow, was an important opportunity for the EFF to represent its voters in meaningful debate.

Rather than showing respect for the rules and orders of the House, the EFF seem more at home with their particular brand of politics of disruption.

Since their inception into the 6th administration of the KZN legislature, the EFF has frequently submitted apologies for legislature responsibilities. Presumably their voters are satisfied with the absence and silence which so often comes from the EFF benches in the legislature.

Unfortunately, the Speaker appears unable to take any action against this continuous absenteeism, even though members are remunerated handsomely at the expense of taxpayers. Earlier requests - by the DA to the Office of the Speaker - for attendance lists for Sittings and portfolio committees have also been met with excuses.

It is little wonder that our province is beyond repair when the very same political parties and the legislature are missing in action when it comes to accountability and consequence management.

The DA is the only effective opposition in the province and will continue to play its role. We owe this much to KZN’s voters.

Issued by Elma Rabe, DA KZN Legislature Acting Chief Whip, 19 October 2022