Friday, 21 January 2022
The EFF rejects the irrational and senseless R11 billion World Bank loan to South Africa with contempt. The World Bank Group Board of Directors approved South Africa's request for an R11 billion loan purported necessary to support government efforts to accelerate COVID-19 responses. National Treasury reasons for the loan are unrelated, difficult to follow and purely misdirected in the absence of coherent and clear economic policy reform.
The joint statement by the World Group and the National Treasury claims that the loan will assist South Africa to implement the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan. The so-called Economic and Reconstruction and Recovery Plan, like GEAR, was developed in secret meetings sponsored by neoliberal crusaders deployed by the IMF and the World Bank and a handful of co-opted subordinates.
The Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan was imposed on the useless ruling party that has failed to develop any recognisable or material capacity to formulate economic policy outside apartheid economic architectures.
Despite indisputable evidence that South Africa's economic policies choices in the last 25 years have been catastrophic for most black people while few whites and co-opted blacks enjoy unimaginable opulence, comfort, and security. Nevertheless, some want us to believe that the National Treasury symbolises excellence in state institutions.