EFF welcomes Covid-19 II clampdown

Fighters says intoxicated people don't wear masks, don't sanitise and don't social distance


Monday, 28 December 2020

The EFF welcomes the stricter measures adopted by Cabinet to contain the rapid spread of COVID 19. We particularly welcome the prohibition of gatherings and total ban on the sale of alcohol by retail outlets and for onsite consumption. The reality is that the distribution and sale of alcohol principally contributes to the defiance of all measures aimed to combating the rapid spread of the virus. Under the influence of alcohol, many people do not wear masks, do not sanitize and do not keep the needed social distance.

We are however concerned that the loosening of the guard is largely due to government's incapacity and unwillingness to enforce its own regulations. When ordinary people realized that there are no consequences for convening huge gatherings including by the ruling party, and no consequences for not complying with the curfew and sale of alcohol outside of the set periods, these activities gained momentum in all parts of South Africa. Whilst all South Africans are called upon to comply, we call on government to strictly enforce its own regulations and restrictions because a regulation or law without enforcement is equal to not having the law or regulation.

The fact that almost all beds and important facilities in public health institutions are either full or almost full reveals the reality that the South African government is not ready to respond to the pandemic. Billions of Rands have thus far been spent on procuring of additional hospital beds and other there is no evidence that these exist at volumes announced by the President and Minister of health in recurrent briefings to the public and to parliament. We demand accountability on the whereabouts of the additional beds reported by the minister of health and we demand accountability on the 20 000 ventilators which the President and minister of trade and industry claim were manufactured here in South Africa.

Because government has demonstrated that it has no capacity to enforce its own regulations, we call on members of the EFF and members of the public to report and close all retail outlets, inclusive of bottle stores, shebeens and restaurants that continue to distribute and trade alcohol outside of the regulations. The liquor Licences of outlets that continue to trade alcohol outside law and regulations must be withdrawn and harsh consequences meted against those who engage in unlawful activities. The people of South Africa most rise up to defend our communities against this pandemic because government has demonstrated beyond any doubt that it carries no capacity nor will to protect our people from the pandemic.

The lighting of candles in remembrance of those who have lost their lives due to the pandemic should be a voluntary action by whosoever chooses to do so. If members of the community choose to do fireworks and candles or either of those, they should do so but strictly in their own homes and not in gatherings.

We call on the people of South Africa to exercise maximum caution because this virus is real and is taking lives of so many people. No one should ever think that they are not candidates for the virus because it can infect all of us. This virus need all of to be responsible enough to stay home and to observe the basic preventive measures of constantly washing our hands, sanitizing, keeping social distance and avoiding crowded spaces. We have to do everything in our power to protect the lives of our people.

Statement issued by the EFF, 28 December 2020