Election as Chairperson of Committee welcomed – EFF Mpumalanga

Fighters say this is a historic moment that will mark growth in the province's democratic project

EFF statement on the election of the EFF party leader and Whip as Chairperson of Portfolio Committees in the Provincial Legislature

11 July 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters in Mpumalanga warmly welcomes and applauds the election of the EFF Party Leader and Whip in the provincial legislature, Commissar Collen Sedibe, as Chairperson of the committee of Agriculture, Rural Development, Land and Environmental affairs, and Commissar Jackson Malatjie as Chairperson of the Select Committee on Women, Youth, Children and People with Disabilities respectively.

Commissar Sedibe holds vast experience in the provincial legislature as he served in the 5th and 6th administrations and has been part of several portfolio committees. Sedibe also serves on the Select Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA) and the Portfolio Committee on Public Works, Roads and Transport.

Commissar Malatjie is also currently serving in the 7th administration, having previously served in the 6th. He is a member of the Porfolio Committee on Traditional Affairs, Cooperative Governance, and Human Settlements.

The EFF in Mpumalanga views the election of Commissar Sedibe and Malatjie as a historic moment that will mark growth in the province's democratic project. The EFF is confident that both Commissar members will bring quality to the organizational and legislative work.

The EFF further reiterate it stance on the non-negotiable cardinal pillar number I of expropriation of land without compensation for equal redistribution. The EFF further commit that it will uncompromisingly ensure that it implement its non-negotiable pillar number seven of an open, transparent and corrupt free government that is accountable to the people without fear of victimisation by state agencies.

Issued by Onesipho Songelwa, Communications Officer, EFF Mpumalanga, 12 July 2024