EFF condemns eNCA’s white supremacist modus operandi

Fighters say media house has once again revealed its true colours by silencing a black professional who refuses to toe "yes baas" line

EFF statement on eNCA’s white supremacist modus operandi

25 June 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) notes the censorship of "Power to Truth with JJ Tabane" presenter, JJ Tabane by the white supremacist propaganda house, eNCA. In an insensible but unsurprising move, his show was pulled after his commentary of the Govemment of National Unity (GNU).

Tabane, in line with the structure of the show, voiced his concerns about the DA's white supremacy, especially in light of the proposed "GNU" between the African National Congress (ANC) and the DA.

On the previous screening of his show Tabane stated how, with a proven track record, the DA hates redress, affirmative action, employment equity, National Health Insurance, and black people as a whole. This is consistent with Tabane's platform which, even at previous broadcasters, confronts hard pressing political matters, and no politician or political party has been spared in this regard.

The eNCA, a known propaganda machine for white supremacy, has once again revealed its true colours by silencing a black professional who refuses to toe the line-of "yes baas." This, unfortunately, is not an isolated incident but part of a broader attern of marginalising voices that disrupt it's anti-black propaganda.

We witnessed this in 2019 with eNCA's refusal to cover the EFF's 2nd National People's Conference (NPA) which was a blatant attempt to settle political scores as the EFF refused to succumb to eNCA's media mafia tactics. This act of censorship was followed by the unjust suspension and subsequent firing of Khayelihle Khumalo for tweeting about the EFF 2nd NPA from his personal account. This suppression of free speech and blatant anti-black racism prompted fellow black journalist Samkele Maseko to resign, citing the abhorrent treatment of black reporters and the white supremacist editorial policies that dictate eNCA's coverage. Their refusal to objectively cover the EFF, as they should any political organisation, is a testament to white supremacist propaganda machinery disguised as a media house.

eNCA's actions did not stop there. In the same year, they targeted and fired Nontobeko Sibisi for wearing an African headwrap during her segment on air. This reprehensible act was a direct attack on her self-expression as a black woman in an African country.

Such actions highlight eNCA's deep-seated white supremacy and intolerance towards black identity and culture.

The EFF has consistently exposed the white supremacist tactics prevalent in media, which still bear the marks of apartheid-era Stratcom, aimed at undermining black individuals and left-leaning black politics. These tactics were infamously used against Mama Winnie Madikizela Mandela and have continued to manifest in modern media operations.

Outlets such as eNCA are resolute in their attempts to reverse the hard-fought gains of media freedom, exhibiting the same disdain for black people as the DA in South Africa. The EFF stands firm against such oppressive and discriminatory practices, and we will continue to expose and challenge institutions like eNCA that perpetuate white supremacy and undermine the dignity and rights of black professionals.

The EFF stands in solidarity with JJ Tabane and all black professionals who have been oppressed and silenced by eNCA and similar institutions. We remain committed to the fight for economic freedom, social justice, and the dismantling of all forms of white supremacy. We will continue to hold accountable those who seek to oppress and exploit the majority of South Africans.

Issued by Leigh-Ann Mathys, National Spokesperson, EFF, 25 June 2024