EFF rejects the ‘ending’ of the Covid-19 lockdown
24 May 2020
The EFF rejects, with deep sadness, what is effectively the ending of the Covid-19 Lockdown. The announcement by Ramaphosa tonight must be read as a resignation speech from fighting Covid-19 and saving lives, especially black lives.
In essence, the opening of the economy and sale of alcohol stood as significant announcements tonight. These alone, have essentially ended the lockdown which sought to ensure social distancing, flatten the curve, prepare the healthcare system and save lives.
Government's decision to uplift the lockdown regulations happens on no sound scientific and epidemiological basis. This is despite their repeated commitment that science will be the only basis to guide decisions for reopening the economy. Tonight's decision must therefore be categorically rejected as reckless and senseless only benefiting the white capitalist establishment at the expense of black people's lives.
Up to this point, the South African Covid-19 curve of infections has worsened over the last weeks, now standing at 22 583 total infection. In fact, we are beginning to see a weekly average of over 1000 cases a day. A week ago, on the 17th of May, there were only 264 deaths. Today, there are 429; that is close to a double increase. All this happened under a lockdown. When the lockdown restrictions have been removed, all these numbers will shoot to the sky.