Enver Motala charged with perjury - Solidarity

Gideon du Plessis welcomes action taken by Master of the High Court

Criminal charge against Motala another step on the road to justice for Aurora employees - Solidarity

The criminal charge of perjury which the Master of the High Court laid against Enver Motala, former Pamodzi Gold liquidator, at the South African Police Service (SAPS) this week is another step on the road to justice for thousands of former Aurora employees, trade union Solidarity said today. Solidarity also expressed the hope that this criminal case will be the first of many that will bring those responsible for the Aurora crisis to book for various alleged offences at the Springs and Orkney mines.

The trade union responded to a report in the Mail&Guardian which states that the Master of the High Court laid a charge of perjury against Motala on behalf of the state.

Motala was removed as a liquidator in the Pamodzi Gold matter in May this year and removed from the Panel of Liquidators by Jeff Radebe, Minister of Justice, and the Master of the High Court in September, following a formal judicial investigation.

According to Gideon du Plessis, Deputy General Secretary of Solidarity, Motala denied having changed his name from Enver Dawood to Enver Motala during an inquiry in terms of section 381 of the Companies Act. He also denied that he had 93 previous fraud convictions. The evidence brought against Motala during the examination was damning, however, and led to the criminal charge of perjury against him.

"If Motala is convicted of perjury, he will never be able to practise as a liquidator again. This will be excellent news for Solidarity and the 5 300 former Aurora employees," said Du Plessis.

Statement issued by Gideon du Plessis, Deputy General Secretary: Solidarity, November 11 2011

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