Thursday, 6 March 2014: Eskom has declared an emergency at 06:00 this morning and has asked key industrial customers to reduce load by 10% as from 08:00. Eskom calls on consumers to urgently switch off geysers, pool pumps and all non-essential appliances this morning to prevent the need for rotational load shedding. The power system is very tight. This risk has increased significantly due to the heavy rains over the last few day and an increase in technical problems experienced at some of Eskom's power stations.
In the event that load shedding becomes necessary, Eskom will use the published load shedding schedules which are available on the Eskom website (see here) for Eskom customers. Eskom customers can also contact our customer call centre 0860 037 566.
Should the demand decrease over this period, load shedding will not be implemented. Eskom will provide regular updates on the status of the power system through all media platforms.