Eskom: Withdraw cover-up regulations - Sakeliga

Minister must provide reasons for his decision to exempt power utility from declaring irregular expenditure

Sakeliga demands that cover-up regulations regarding Eskom wastage be withdrawn

3 April 2023

Sakeliga's attorneys are currently drafting a letter to the Minister of Finance, in which we demand that the minister provide reasons for his decision that Eskom does not need to declare irregular expenditures, as well as fruitless and wasteful expenditures, in its financial statements.

This controversial decision was published in the government gazette on March 31, 2023.

In the letter, Sakeliga also insists that this regulation be withdrawn immediately, otherwise, Sakeliga will be compelled to approach the court on an urgent basis.

There is no clear justification for exempting Eskom from this standard provision, which enables the public to properly evaluate its financial situation.

In the interest of public transparency, Sakeliga will be in Court against the Auditor-General later this month. In our case, we insist that they disclose their management reports, which include advanced information on wastage, corruption, and other irregularities in all state entities, to Sakeliga and the public.

Sakeliga opposes the latest step taken by the Minister of Finance in the same spirit, as it is unconscionable that information about Eskom is to be withheld from the Auditor-General and/or the public.

Issued by Piet le Roux, CEO, Sakeliga, 3 April 2023