Faiek Davids reinstated as Deputy Head - SIU

Reinstatement effective from December 1 2010, Mr Davids will commence duties shortly

Nomvula Mokhatla, Acting Head of the Special Investigating Unit AND Sonia De Vries, Attorney for the Deputy Head of the Special Investigating Unit, Faiek Davids

on the :

Settlement of the dispute between the SIU and Faiek Davids in the CCMA and the reinstatement of Faiek Davids to the position of Deputy Head of the SIU

1 May 2013

1. Today, after a careful review of the legal dispute between the SIU and its Deputy Head, Faiek Davids, which commenced in 2009, and culminated in the termination of Mr Davids' contract in 2010, the parties have agreed to settle this dispute.

2. The Acting Head of the SIU has consulted the legal counsel involved in the matter, including receiving input from Mr Davids' legal counsel, and taken into account the evidence lead in the CCMA matter, the evidence available to the SIU and the prospects of success, especially in respect of the review of the ruling by the CCMA on the question of the admissibility of the evidence.

3. It is clear to both parties that further pursuing of this matter will not serve either parties or the public interest.

4. The SIU recognises the role played by Mr Davids in building its reputation and capability, and recognises the need to retain such skills to meet its challenges.

5. This reinstatement is effective from 1 December 2010. Mr Davids will shortly be commencing his duties as the Deputy Head and the SIU welcomes his return.

6. The parties look forward to rebuilding the SIU and build on its successes in becoming an effective Anti-Corruption agency and appreciate Mr Davids' willingness to be a part of this great opportunity. The SIU is focused on strengthening the fight against corruption in our society.

Statement issued by Boy Ndala SIU Communications Manager, May 2 2013

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