Firing of Sitole driven by factional interests – EFF

Fighters say Cele is central problem to the crisis confronting SAPS

EFF statement on the misfiring of Commissioner of Police Khehla Sithole

27 February 2022

The EFF notes the termination of the employment of Commissioner of Police Khehla Sithole, as a yet another instance of misfiring by Cyril Ramaphosa that is based purely on factional interests.

Khehla Sithole, has become a casualty of Ramaphosa's cowardice and attempt to please his henchman Bheki Cele, who is the central problem to the crisis confronting the South African Police Services (SAPS). Cele is an egotistical individual, who wants to treat the entire Police Force like a personal inheritance, where everyone must abide by his desires.

He is a character who seeks to micro-manage other individuals, even those who run the bureaucracy of the Police, because he believes that he is an expert in all matters relating to security.

His false sense of confidence, which results in him becoming a gossiper, because he relies on faulty intelligence, will be the downfall of the policing sector in this country.

The relationship between the now former Commissioner Sithole and Bheki Cele had reached intolerable levels, and had factionalised the police force at the height of violent crime, a rise in Cash-In-Transit Heists and the brutal war against women and children of this country.

The EFF, led by the Commander in Chief most recently at the State of the Nation Address raised sharply that he conflict between Sithole and Cele, had rendered the

South African Police Services (SAPS) a broken institution, riddled with corruption and lack of a central authority.

Ramaphosa has heeded the sound advice of the EFF and separated the two warring individuals, whose relations had undermined efforts to fight crime in South Africa, but he has fired the wrong person.

The problem in SAPS is not the Commissioner, it is the Minister.

It does not matter who becomes a Commissioner of Police, as long as Bheki Cele is the Minister, he will attempt to micro-manage people who are skilled in bureaucracy, and when he is defied, he will wreak havoc, spread gossip and render that department unworkable.

The EFF maintains that Bheki Cele's history as an administrator, by having been a Commissioner of Police places him in a position where he will always presume he knows how best to execute those duties. Cele will always overstep his role as a political head, and seek to run the administrative affairs and bureaucracy of the police even when it is not his responsibility.

His exhibition at the State of the Nation Address, where he lied about the Commissioner in a desperate attempt to discredit him and cast aspersions on the EFF leader was the final straw.

He lashed out when the EFF correctly identified the consequences of their fight on the safety of South Africans, and suggested he be moved to another department.

His temper tantrum revealed that he is not fit to hold that office.

Cele is protected however for obvious factional reasons by Ramaphosa, because the ruling party is going to an elective conference, and the security of South Africa is secondary to his aspirations to retain his Presidency.

The EFF reiterates it's call for the complete removal of Bheki Cele as a Minister of Police. Anything outside of this, means that there will never be stability or coherence in SAPS, because Cele treats his colleagues like children.

Even if an ally were to be appointed as a Commissioner of Police, peace would not last long in that Department, because Cele operates like a tin-pot dictator who undermines individuals and their capacity.

As long as Cele is the Minister of Police, criminals will run rampant over South Africa and the security of this country will continue to deteriorate.

Issued by Sinawo Thambo, National Spokesperson, 27 February 2022