Fitch maintains SA’s ratings – Treasury

Credit rating constrained by low GDP growth that is hampered by loadshedding, inequality, and high govt debt-to-GDP ratio

Government’s response to the rating action of Fitch Ratings (Fitch)

17 July 2023

Government notes Fitch’s decision to affirm South Africa’s long term foreign and local currency debt ratings at ‘BB-’ and maintain a stable outlook.

According to Fitch, South Africa’s credit rating is constrained by low real GDP growth hampered by power shortages, high level of inequality, a high government debt-to-GDP ratio, and a modest path of fiscal consolidation. The ratings are supported by a favourable debt structure with long maturities and denominated mostly in local currency as well a credible monetary policy framework.

Government is implementing urgent measures to reduce load-shedding in the short termand transform the sector through market reforms to achieve long-term energy security. Over the medium-term, the fiscal strategy aims to achieve fiscal sustainability by reducing the budget deficit and stabilising the debt-to-GDP ratio. On budget allocations for infrastructure and other policy priorities and maintaining a sustainable fiscal stance will support economic growth.

Issued by National Treasury, 17 July 2023