Freedom Park's list of names for heroes gallery

Statement issued by Ilse Posselt March 18 2009

Freedom Park Trust announces the names of the leaders to be included in the

Gallery of Leaders

Today Freedom Park Trust announces the names of the leaders to be included in the Gallery of Leaders at The Freedom Park.

The Gallery of Leaders pays tribute to the achievements and represents the leadership qualities of those exceptional leaders who brought about qualitative leaps in the struggle for humanity and freedom nationally, continentally and internationally. To date, twentyfour names of South African, African and international leaders who are deemed exemplary role models in terms of the above criteria have been researched, verified and selected for inclusion.

These leaders are:

South African

1. Stephen Bantu Biko
2. King Cetshwayo
3. Yusuf Mohammad Dadoo
4. Abram Louis Fischer
5. Helen Beatrice May Joseph
6. Moses Maune Kotane
7. Chief Albert John Luthuli
8. Regent Queen Manthantisi
9. John Beaver Marks
10. King Moshoeshoe
11. Lillian Masediba Ngoyi
12. King Shaka
13. Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe
14. Oliver Reginald Tambo


15. Amílcar Lopes Cabral
16. Samora Moises Machel
17. John Garang de Mabior
18. António Agostinho Neto
19. Kwame Nkrumah
20. Julius Kambarage Nyerere
21. Thomas Sankara


22. William Edward Burghardt Du Bois
23. Ernesto ‘Che' Guevara de la Serna
24. Françoise Domingue Toussaint Louverture

The utility value of the Park is articulated in terms of being a national and international icon for freedom and humanity. It seeks to do this in a way that promotes the emancipation of the African voice, thus showcasing African history and heritage as bearers of enduring traditions and values. The selection of the leaders to be included in the Gallery of Leaders should thus also be viewed in this context.

Exhibitions in the Gallery of Leaders will be an ongoing process and further leaders will be added. Public participation is requested in this continuous process.

For a short biography on each of these leaders, please visit our website here (in PDF).

Statement issued by the Freedom Park Trust, Pretoria, March 18 2009

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