Gauteng DoH owed R484m by other govt entities - Jack Bloom

DA MPL says biggest debtor is the NWest DoH, which owes R316m in patient fees


R484 million is owing to the Gauteng Health Department by other government departments, mostly from neighbouring provinces. This has risen from R400 million last year.

These figures are revealed in the Department's Annual Report which was recently tabled in the Gauteng Legislature.

The biggest debtor is the North West Department of Health, which owes R316 million in patient fees.

Patients fees owed by other departments are as follows:

Mpumalanga Department of Health  - R45 million

Limpopo Department of Health   - R39 million

Department of Correctional Services - R35 million

South African Police Services   - R26 million

National Department of Justice   - R18 million

SA National Defence Force   - R 3.7 million

It's a huge amount of money that is desperately needed to improve health services in Gauteng.

I am very disappointment that debts from other departments have worsened instead of improved, despite promises that national government would assist in this matter.

Effective action is needed to ensure that all these debts are paid for health services rendered.

Statement issued by Jack Bloom MPL, DA Gauteng Health Spokesman, September 11 2013

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