Gauteng hospitals need water resilience – Jack Bloom

DA MPL says it is critical they should never run out of water as it shoots up the risk of infection and disease

Gauteng hospitals need water resilience

18 September 2023

The water cuts that have again affected the Helen Joseph and Rahima Moosa Hospitals highlight the urgent need for water resilience measures at Gauteng public hospitals.

Hospitals should never run out of water as it shoots up the risk of infection and disease.

It is also very distressing for patients, and surgery backlogs rise when operations are cancelled.

With the latest water cuts, the toilets became smelly, and relatives had to bring in water when visiting their loved ones.

The Pholosong hospital on the East Rand has also been affected by water cuts since last week when Rand Water reservoirs ran low.

And earlier this month, Edenvale Hospital had a water shortage because of a burst internal pipe.

Water resilience measures should include increased reserve water storage, the digging of internal boreholes, regular maintenance of water pipes, and pumps to get water to higher floors when water pressure is low.

Every hospital needs a water plan in our new reality where flowing water can no longer be taken for granted.

Issued by Jack Bloom, DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Health, 18 September 2023